Which cities in Europe have the highest temperatures?

Which cities in Europe have the highest temperatures? The hottest places in Europe The hottest place in Europe is Valletta in Malta, with an average daily temperature over the whole year of 22.3ºC. A holiday in Malta is a pretty safe bet almost any time. Athens is second with an annual average of 22ºC. At 21.4ºC, Rome is in third place.

What is the driest city in Europe?

Look no further than Almeria, Spain: Europe's driest city, and indeed one of the least rainy places in the world. At roughly 1,000 years old, the city is a relative youngster in general terms of the Mediterranean, but you can still find your fair share of history here to explore – and let's not forget the weather!

Where in Europe is best to live with climate change?

Iceland. According to GreenMatch's study, Iceland turned out to be the European country that has been affected by climate change the least.

Which European country has most beautiful weather?

The Best Warm Weather Countries in Europe:
  • Italy.
  • Portugal.
  • Greece.
  • Cyprus.
  • Malta.
  • Madeira, Portugal.
  • Gibraltar, UK.
  • Tenerife, Spain.

Where in Europe gets the most sun?

Located on Spain's southeast coast, Alicante has the highest number of sunny hours in Europe. With an average of 349 hours of sunshine per month (an average month has 730 hours in total, including nighttimes), it's a dream destination for sun lovers. Roughly half of the day, every day, is sunny in Alicante.

Where is not too hot in August in Europe?

Salzburg, Austria. Not many people know but Salzburg in Austria is one of the best cities in Europe where it is warm but not too hot in July and August. Moderate temperatures make Salzburg cool and pleasant with average highs ranging from 21°C (70F) to 25°C (77F).

Where in Europe has the best summer weather?

Travel Tip: Croatia, Greece and Italy have the warmest weather in Europe year-round. Summer in Southern Europe means lots of locals and tourists on holiday. They all make their way here to enjoy the incredible climate. If you don't enjoy big crowds or long queues, rather take the road less travelled.