Why are Kenya safaris so expensive?

Why are Kenya safaris so expensive? Today's safaris are designed with conservation in mind. Africa's wildlife and eco-system is very fragile and can only accommodate a certain number of visitors. To ensure that the balance is maintained the number of visitors have to be limited one way of doing that is by charging high prices.

Are Kenya safaris worth it?

Kenya is a safari destination that offers incredible natural beauty, soul-stirring cultural encounters, sensational game viewing and, of course, the thrills and spills of the Wildebeest Migration. No wonder it's the birthplace of safari travel!

How much is an average 10 day Kenya safari cost?

There are highly exclusive safaris costing more than $1,000 per person per night, easily arranged mid-range safaris costing from $300 to $600 per person per day. and budget adventures from just $125 per day.

Is 7 days safari too much?

If you're a first-time safari-goer, we highly recommend planning a longer trip to make it well worth your while. As a general rule of thumb about two weeks (or 10 full days minimum) is a good amount of time to properly enjoy your first time in Africa.

How to safari cheaply?

Tips on How to Book an Affordable African Safari
  1. Stay Longer in One Place. ...
  2. Choose the Right Destination. ...
  3. Use a Local Safari Operator. ...
  4. Consider a Self-Drive Holiday. ...
  5. Compromise on Luxury. ...
  6. Travel During Low / Green Season.

Which country is cheapest for safari Africa?

Namibia's big hitter is the astonishing Etosha National Park, while Zimbabwe and Zambia share the Victoria Falls. Namibia and South Africa are the most affordable of all the safari destinations we offer because you can rent a vehicle and drive yourself around, as well as stay in self-catering accommodation.

Why are safaris so expensive?

The cost of maintaining national parks, wildlife reserves, anti-poaching efforts, and conservation initiatives is significant. These expenses are often factored into the overall cost of a safari, contributing to higher prices. Limited access and remote locations: Many of Africa's iconic safar.

What is the world most expensive safari?

World's most expensive safari: $165,300 holiday flies from Dubai in Emirates private jet. Luxury accommodation, flights in an Emirates private jet and private tours in exclusive nature reserves await guests on the world's most expensive safari.

Which country has the cheapest safaris?

South Africa, Namibia, and Kenya are often considered the cheapest African safari countries to visit. Followed by Botswana, Uganda, Rwanda, and Tanzania.

Why is Masai Mara so expensive?

Prices tend to be higher during the Peak season which is normally when the Great wildebeest migration happens as this attracts large numbers of visitors to Masai Mara making it more expensive to secure rooms due to the high demand. The Peak season runs from July to October.

How much does a 5 day safari in Kenya cost?

A luxury safari package is an unforgettable experience, but be prepared to spend around $600+ per person per day. On a luxury safari in Kenya, you will stay in 5-star hotels and lodges that range between $200-$800 per person per night.

How much does a 10 day African safari cost?

African safaris are expensive. Travel Africa magazine stated that the standard price of a 10-day safari in Botswana is £6000-8000 (US$8,500-11,000), or $850-1100 per person per day. Major international safari companies routinely quote $750-1000 per person per day for Tanzanian or Kenyan safaris.