Why do European hotels hold passports?

Why do European hotels hold passports? They will take the details from your passport in some cases but they will return it to you immediately. The reason they take your details is so they have a record of your stay and a way to contact you or to have documents for the police just in case it becomes necessary later.

How can I hide my passport in a hotel?

It is best that you leave it at the hotel`s safety deposit box rather than inside your room`s safe. If your hotel doesn`t have one, then you can keep it inside your hotel room. Look for a place in your hotel room where people wouldn`t think that it would be there, like under the TV or at the edge of the carpet.

Is it better to leave your passport in your hotel room or bring it with you while you travel abroad?

Though your passport is a form of I.D., you probably won't need to tote it around with you all day once you've reached your destination. According to the US Department of State, one of the safest things you can do is secure your passport under lock and key at home or your hotel as you would with any other valuable.

Why do Italian hotels keep your passport?

It is part of the way things are done in Italy. The hotel has to report your details to the police. If the front desk is busy, they will want to hold the passport for a short time until they can take the details. There is no risk: many thousands of passports are handled this way every day.

Do you have to leave your passport at hotels in Europe?

Many European hotels check your passport in addition to asking for a credit card for incidentals. In most cases, you only need to show your passport at check in, or, rarely, leave it overnight.

Can you travel anywhere in Europe without a passport?

Where Can I Travel without a Passport in the EU? If you are an EU national, or are visiting a Schengen country, you can travel anywhere within the Schengen Area without a passport, just by showing ID with your photo on it. However, you must always carry your passport with you when you travel around the Schengen Area.

Is it normal for a hotel to ask for passport number?

When one is checking in to a hotel in a foreign country, it is customary to ask for one's passport, because that is the document used to establish and confirm one's identity. Now, if one is not a citizen of the US, at check in to an American hotel, one may be asked to present one's passport.

Should I carry my passport everywhere in Europe?

Most regions will not let you through unless you can show your U.S. passport, which should meet the requirements covered earlier. So, should you carry your passport with you in Europe? Yes! If you don't have a valid passport, Travel Visa Pro can help you get one in just days.

Should you carry your passport with you in Paris?

All foreign visitors, including European Union (EU) nationals, must carry identification in the form of a passport or national identity card. French police may require visitors to show identification at any time, including when entering or leaving the country.

Why do Spanish hotels take your passport?

In Spain, hotels are legally bound to register the passport details of the tourist when they arrive. Previously, this was a way of making sure that customers didn't leave without settling their bills.

Should I carry my passport with me at all times in the USA?

Do you need to carry your passport at all times? No. But it makes for good identification should you need it.

Should I keep my passport with me or in the hotel?

Consider moving around the city with your driver's license instead, and leave your passport behind in the hotel safe. A screenshot of your passport, or any other form of ID will usually suffice in most scenarios.

Why would a hotel hold a passport?

These hotels keep a record of passports to cross check for wanted criminals, look for missing persons, or protect against identity thieves. Of course, handing over your personal identification can be risky, even if you're giving it to a reputable hotel with (most likely) trustworthy employees.

What hotel shredded passports?

Teachers couldn't believe it when the Kancamagus Lodge Hotel in New Hampshire where the group had been staying said they had accidentally destroyed 44 passports. The group has been forced to go to the British Embassy in New York to obtain emergency travel documents, delaying their journey home by four days.

Where is the safest place to keep your passport in a hotel?

It is best that you leave it at the hotel`s safety deposit box rather than inside your room`s safe. If your hotel doesn`t have one, then you can keep it inside your hotel room. Look for a place in your hotel room where people wouldn`t think that it would be there, like under the TV or at the edge of the carpet.

Do I have to give my passport to hotel in Italy?

In Italy, the hotels are required to register guests with the local authorities, which they do via your passport information. They will collect your passport when you check in, sometimes keeping it for 24 hours before returning it to you.

Is it normal for Airbnb host to ask for passport Italy?

As veterans in the hospitality industry, we understand that this basic request might be unfamiliar for many travelers. But rest assured, we're happy to clarify that this is perfectly normal and required by law. Yes, even locals have to present our IDs at hotels, B&Bs, and other accommodations both in Italy and abroad.