Why does Turks and Caicos have two names?

Why does Turks and Caicos have two names? Words such as “canoe”, Caribbean and “caicos” are derived from the Arawak language. Even the name of the country comes from these earliest inhabitants. Turks is a reference to the indigenous Turk's head cactus and Caicos is from the Lucayan term “caya hico” meaning string of islands.

Can you drink the tap water in Turks and Caicos?

In most cases, yes, it's perfectly safe, yet bottled water is the common choice due to the mediocre taste of piped water. Indoor-plumbed water in the Turks and Caicos almost always originates from one of two sources: reverse osmosis desalination, and less commonly, rainfall collection.

Why is Turks and Caicos so special?

The Turks & Caicos islands are the ultimate dive destination for snorkelers and scuba enthusiasts looking for clear ocean and thriving marine life. Expect to see anything from colorful coral of varying types, to tropical fish, turtles, dolphins, and more.

Why do celebrities like Turks and Caicos?

Why is Parrot Cay so popular with celebrities? The luxury island offers seclusion and privacy, allowing celebrities to get much needed time to relax with their loved ones. The island is one short boat ride away from the rest of Turks and Caicos. Fun and merriment is never far away.

Who owns Turks Caicos?

The Turks & Caicos Islands are a British Overseas Territory, and Her Majesty the Queen appoints a Governor as her representative based in the islands.

What is the difference between Grand Turk and Providenciales?

In short, Turks Islands is generally considered to be the historical region. Caicos is a more modern destination, hosting spectacular beaches, shopping sites, luxury resorts and the Providenciales International Airport. Providenciales, in Caicos Islands is the most developed part, and populated.

What should I be careful about in Turks and Caicos?

Crime. Petty crime occurs, including theft from rental vehicles. Muggings and armed assaults also occur, mostly in areas popular with tourists. Be especially vigilant on Providenciales, which has a higher crime rate than the other islands.

What is the best month to visit Turks and Caicos?

The best time to visit Turks & Caicos is April and May, a sweet spot featuring lower prices and fewer crowds. The weather is pleasant year-round with average highs that hover in the 80s, but these islands do experience a rainy season, and the threat of hurricanes lingers from June to November.

What is not allowed in Turks and Caicos?

Prohibited Items and Drugs Banned weapons (including firearms, firearm parts, ammunition, and 'Hawaiian slings'). Controlled drugs and narcotics, including (but not limited to) marijuana.

Why not to go to Turks and Caicos?

Muggings and armed robberies, where victims are confronted by one or more armed criminals, are somewhat common in the Turks and Caicos. Often the robberies are opportunistic crimes, yet victims may be targeted if they are thought to be carrying large amounts of cash or jewelry, or are easy targets.