Justice Served: Lori Vallow Daybell Sentenced for Heinous Crimes Against Her Children

In a landmark judgment, Judge Steven Boyce handed down multiple fixed life terms in prison with no possibility of parole to Lori Vallow Daybell for the heinous crimes of murdering her two children and conspiring to murder a romantic rival. The sentencing took place on Monday, marking the end of a long and harrowing trial.

The judge decided that Vallow Daybell should serve each life term consecutively, rather than concurrently, emphasizing the importance of holding her accountable for each death. The 50-year-old was found guilty of first-degree murder and conspiracy charges in May, as the jury agreed with prosecutors' assertions that she wanted to eliminate her youngest children, Tylee Ryan and Joshua Jaxon "JJ" Vallow, as part of a sinister plan to start a new life with Chad Daybell. Additionally, she conspired to murder Chad's then-wife, Tammy Daybell.

Judge Boyce did not mince words while delivering the sentence. He admonished Vallow Daybell, saying she had chosen the "most evil and destructive path possible" despite having better options at her disposal. He drew a stark contrast between her enjoyment of a honeymoon in Hawaii and the tragic reality of her children lying in shallow graves in Idaho, where their bodies were found "burned, mutilated, and dismembered, buried like animals."

Throughout the trial, prosecutors shed light on Vallow Daybell's arcane religious beliefs about "dark energy" and the "end times," as well as her obsession with pursuing a life with Chad Daybell, which led to conspiring to murder his late wife.

The jury's verdict held Vallow Daybell accountable for the murders of Tylee and JJ, who were last seen alive in September 2019. Their remains were discovered in June 2020, buried on Chad Daybell's property in Rexburg, Idaho.

The sentencing process also included victim-impact statements from relatives of Tylee and JJ, as well as from relatives of Tammy Daybell. The pain and grief expressed in those statements painted a haunting picture of the lives shattered by Vallow Daybell's actions.

In light of these horrifying crimes, the prosecutor sought the maximum sentence of several fixed life terms without the possibility of parole. On the other hand, the defense urged for a 20-year fixed term with an "indeterminate" life sentence, with concurrent prison terms.

Ultimately, justice was served as the court delivered a powerful message that such heinous acts will not go unpunished. Lori Vallow Daybell's sentence will forever stand as a reminder of the consequences for betraying a child's trust in the most unimaginable manner.


  • Lori Vallow Daybell
  • sentencing
  • multiple life terms
  • murder
  • conspiracy
  • Chad Daybell
  • Tylee Ryan
  • Joshua Jaxon Vallow
  • victim-impact statements
  • Idaho
  • dark energy
  • end times