Can you get married in Sagrada?

Can you get married in Sagrada? If you're the type of couple who wants to get married in their own way, La Sagrada Familia is the perfect location for a special wedding. Whether you want a traditional ceremony or something more unconventional, you can have it all in front of this magnificent basilica.

Can I wear jeans to Sagrada Familia?

Full trousers or jeans are recommended options but make sure to wear light cotton trousers during the summers. Shoes - You will have a lot of walking to do inside Sagrada Familia.

What is not allowed in Sagrada Familia?

For safety, no hats are allowed inside the nave or the museum except for religious, health or belief-related reasons. Visitors may not enter barefoot. As it is a Catholic church, visitors must dress appropriately, following these restrictions: No see-through clothing.