How to get to Athens airport early?

How to get to Athens airport early? The journey time from Athens center to the airport very early in the morning should not exceed 45 minutes. Book a hotel for your last night that offers a free shuttle to the airport. The coastal port city has such a hotel, the Avra, witha shuttle leaving at 3am and again at 4am. It takes 30 minutes.

How long does it take to get through Athens Greece airport?

Expect 15-20 minutes max unless you're unlucky. However since you fly with the luggage, this might take a while, and you can take overall up to 40 minutes before you leave the customs.

Do you need cash for taxis in Athens?

Payments can be made mainly in cash. The bulk of taxi drivers have POS machines and accept bank cards. However, this is not a rule. Thus, you should have euros with you (preferably small bills), as cab drivers usually don't give change from big banknotes.

Does the subway go to the Athens airport?

By Metro. Metro Line 3 connects the airport to the city centre (Syntagma Square). The journey time is approximately 40 minutes. Trains run every 30 minutes, 7 days a week from 6:30 am to 11:30 pm.

Are there Ubers in Athens?

Definitely yes, you can Uber in Athens. However, you can find Uber only in Athens and not in the whole country. Moreover, if there is increased demand, or on rainy days, etc, Uber prices may be a bit increased. Finally, what you need to know is that there is only Uber TAXI in Athens.

Do you tip taxi drivers in Athens?

Do you tip taxi drivers in Greece? Tipping in taxis isn't expected or required, but if you want to do so, you can round up to the nearest Euro and tell the driver you don't want the change. The maximum tip in a taxi is 5-10% of the final fare amount.

Can you drink tap water in Athens?

The answer is yes. Tap water in Athens is absolutely safe to drink. This is why we do not have to buy water bottles since all buildings have direct access to drinkable water from the nearby lakes Marathon and Yliki.

Should I carry my passport in Athens?

Carry your passport or some form of photo identification at all times. Police may detain you for questioning if you do not have proper identification with you.

Can I get to the airport 3 hours early?

The General Guideline for How Early You Should Get to the Airport. Generally speaking, most airlines advise that you arrive at the airport at least 2 hours prior to a domestic flight, and at least 3 hours prior to an international flight.

Can I go to the airport really early?

There's no fixed time given by the airport stating how early passengers can go through the security check. But for a guarantee of minimal stress, arriving 2-4 hours early is recommended.

Can I go to airport 7 hours before my flight?

In general, some airports will allow you to go through the security check-in much earlier while others may require you to arrive no earlier than 2-5 hours before the departing time. This is sometimes because the checked baggage counters and/or check-in gates are not open yet.