What is the cheapest time to fly to Hawaii?

What is the cheapest time to fly to Hawaii? The cheapest time to fly to Hawaii is during February and March. The most expensive month to fly is December when the holiday period falls, with January being very expensive as well. The peak travel months of June and July are surprisingly not the most expensive months for flights, with middle figure prices.

How far in advance should I book a flight to Hawaii for the best price?

On average, the best time to buy your ticket to Hawaii is between 21 and 121 days before departure, with the period between 40 and 50 days often mentioned as a golden rule. The figures mentioned above are valid for domestic flights within the USA.

Why are Hawaii flights so expensive?

Strong Tourism Demand Allows Airlines to Charge Higher Fares If you've ever searched for flights to Hawaii, you may have been surprised by the high prices. But have you ever wondered why flights to the beautiful islands are so expensive? The answer lies in the strong tourism demand that Hawaii enjoys year-round.

Will flights to Hawaii go down in price 2023?

Airlines are slashing flight prices to Hawaii for 2023 and beyond, just as the government in Maui is asking for the return of travelers in the wake of the devastating fires on part of the island. So feel confident booking one of these Thrifty Traveler Premium flight deals.

What is the cheapest day of the week to fly to Hawaii?

To get the best airfare prices, look to fly on Tuesday and Wednesdays. All summer long, midweek flights are a better price.

Which airlines fly to Hawaii?

What airlines go to Hawaii?
  • Hawaiian Airlines. The islands' home carrier is Hawaiian Airlines. ...
  • Alaska Airlines. The airline's name may not give away its tropical route map, but it certainly has quite a few flights between the mainland and Hawaii. ...
  • American Airlines. ...
  • Delta Air Lines. ...
  • Southwest Airlines. ...
  • United Airlines.

What is the cheapest month to go to Hawaii?

April thru June and mid-August thru mid-September are Hawaii's low seasons, and airfares are lower then. No matter what time of year you travel, you may be able to score better deals if you travel midweek.

Which Hawaiian island is least expensive to visit?

Due to the abundance of hotels, activities, tours, and attractions, Oahu is the cheapest Hawaiian island to visit. Between the competitive prices and myriad of things to do, those looking for a budget vacation to Hawaii will find that Oahu is exactly what they've been searching for.

Is it better to fly into Honolulu or Maui?

Hawaii is a stunning location with plenty of fun things to do, no matter which island you visit. If you're in the market for a beachy, relaxing vacation, you may want to head to Maui. Otherwise, consider Honolulu for its abundance of hotels, things to do and plentiful flight connections to other U.S. cities.

Why is Hawaii cheap in October?

Fewer crowds lead to lower prices on flights, hotels, rental cars, and other amenities, decreasing your overall trip costs significantly. And while October is not Hawaii's most popular tourism month, it still boasts several fun events and activities to keep you entertained during your trip.

Why is Hawaii cheap in February?

Aloha! You'll also pay less for things like flights and accommodation as February is before the peak travel season. It's also one of the quietest months of the year for tourists so you won't be too swamped by the holiday crowds. You can also find cheaper rates and fewer visitors in the late spring.

What is the rainy season in Hawaii?

Above: Visitors flock to Hawaii's warm, sunny beaches year round. Although Hawaii's rainy season is November through March, showers can fall anytime, mostly on the windward (northeastern) side of the Islands.

What is the off months for Hawaii?

Spring and Autumn are the “low” or “off” season in Hawaii. April through mid-June, and September through mid-December see the fewest tourists. This can result in a wider variety of options for you when it comes to hotels, transportation, and attractions.

What airport is cheaper to fly to Hawaii?

Oahu (Honolulu) and Maui (Kahului) tend to be the two cheapest Hawaiian airports to fly into from the continental United States, but this may not be the case for your particular route. Always compare airports and consider tailoring your vacation itinerary if a different arrival airport offers better savings.

Why are flights to Hawaii so cheap right now?

Ample Airplane Capacity One of the main reasons why flights to Hawaii have become more affordable is the increase in airplane capacity. With more airlines offering flights to the islands, there are simply more seats available for travelers.

How much should you budget for a week in Hawaii?

Generally speaking, a one week trip to Hawaii will cost you about $4000. However, prices vary considerably depending on the time of year, the number of people you travel with, and where you stay.

Do flights to Hawaii go down in price?

Consider a late summer vacation to Hawaii to save money Even though summer vacations to Hawaii are quite popular, we do see prices to the Aloha state come down the later you can visit in the summer months. August is less expensive than June or July, and September is less expensive than August.

What is the most expensive month in Hawaii?

The most expensive month to fly is December when the holiday period falls, with January being very expensive as well. The peak travel months of June and July are surprisingly not the most expensive months for flights, with middle figure prices.

What is the best month to visit Hawaii?

The best time to visit Hawaii is between March and September. This is when the islands see the highest temperatures and the lowest amount of rain.

How many days in Hawaii is enough?

While many vacations are five to seven days long, we recommend staying for at least 10 days to enjoy your Hawaiian vacation. The time change is difficult to adjust to at first and takes about 3 days to get fully acclimated. So, allowing a couple days to get over the jet lag is important.

Which airline has the most flights to Hawaii?

United Airlines With the most nonstop flights offered, United serves more passengers to Hawaii than any other airline. And its rewards don't stop upon arrival to the Hawaiian Islands.

Is it more expensive to book a flight 6 months in advance?

Timing plays an important part. Specifically, plane tickets usually don't get cheaper closer to the departure date. Instead, flights tend to be the most inexpensive when you book between four months and three weeks before your departure date.