What types of information constitute flight information service?

What types of information constitute flight information service?

Flight information service includes the provision of pertinent:
  • SIGMET and AIRMET information;
  • Information concerning pre-eruption volcanic activity, volcanic eruptions and volcanic ash clouds;
  • Information concerning the release into the atmosphere of radioactive materials or toxic chemicals;

What is the flight information service ICAO?

A flight information service (FIS) is a form of air traffic service which is available to any aircraft within a flight information region (FIR), as agreed internationally by ICAO.

What are the 3 types of ATC services?

The ATC system—the second major part of the National Airspace System—offers three basic forms of service: navigation aid (including landing), flight planning and in-flight advisory information, and air traffic control.

What type of information is provided by air traffic advisory services to in flight aircraft?

Airport advisory service includes wind direction and velocity, favored or designated runway, altimeter setting, known airborne and ground traffic, NOTAMs, airport taxi routes, airport traffic pattern information, and instrument approach procedures.

What is the difference between ground control and ATC?

Ground controller is a position (role) carried out by an air traffic controller. The role of an air traffic controller who is working the ground position is to coordinate traffic moving on taxiways and to and from runways. The ground controller is in charge of the taxiways.

Are METAR and ATIS the same?

But, the METAR leaves off the information you will find on the ATIS broadcast. The ATIS has more information than just the METAR, so while the ceiling, wind and temperature information will look the same, the ATIS will include active runways, approaches and other important information the METAR omits.

What is FSS in aviation?

A flight service station (FSS) is an air traffic facility that provides information and services to aircraft pilots before, during, and after flights, but unlike air traffic control (ATC), is not responsible for giving instructions or clearances or providing separation.