What's special about Alton Towers?

What's special about Alton Towers? Alton Towers Resort is home to over 40 rides and attractions, for guests of all ages.. Our 10 main rollercoasters are the stars of the show, each with record-breaking elements designed to thrill and delight anyone brave enough to ride.

Which theme park has the best rides?

As you might expect, Disney, with its long history and an incredible portfolio of themed attractions, dominates the list of best theme park rides.

Is 5 hours enough at Alton Towers?

By 5pm we had done all major rides. Most queues were 5 minutes long, the longest was maybe 25/30 minutes. Even the new Wicker Man ride was about 30 mins (however it was busier at other times of the day). We are lucky however that it is a Monday and not all schools in this area have finished for the holidays yet.