When flying a cross country is VFR flight following mandatory?

When flying a cross country is VFR flight following mandatory? If you are flying out of a Class C or Class D airport, for a VFR flight following request, you can usually request flight following with the local ground control. Because flight following is voluntary, if the airspace is extremely busy, controllers may tell you they are unable to provide.

How far can a student pilot fly without a cross-country endorsement?

If repeated solo cross-country flights to an airport within 50 nautical miles are to be made over the same route, an endorsement to comply with 14 CFR 61.93(b)(2) is required in the student's logbook.

Can you ask ground for flight following?

Flight following can be requested from the ground at certain airports. Generally larger airports are equipped to provide flight following services for departing aircraft. At smaller airports you may or may not be able to request flight following prior to departure.

Can two pilots log cross country time?

The pilot in the other seat is only a passenger as the aircraft does not require more than one crew member. So, only the pilot flying can log PIC time. Once airborne the pilot at the controls tells his passenger that he'd like to do some simulated instrument time.

Can you cancel VFR flight following?

Pilots may request to terminate VFR Flight Following. ATC may deny the request while in controlled airspace to ensure positive separation. ATC will automatically terminate VFR Flight Following when the aircraft arrives at its destination.

Are VFR flight plans mandatory?

VFR flight plans must be filed whenever an aircraft plans a cross-country flight and plans to operate under VFR flight rules. However, VFR flight plans are not required, only strongly recommended by the FAA, when an aircraft flies through class B airspace.

What qualifies for cross country flight?

A cross-country flight should be: Conducted in an appropriate aircraft. Includes a point of landing that is at least a straight line distance of more than 50 NM from the point of departure.

When can you not fly VFR?

No person may operate an aircraft under basic VFR when the flight visibility is less, or at a distance from clouds that is less, than that prescribed for the corresponding altitude and class of airspace.

What is the 1 in 60 rule in VFR?

It states that for each degree off (or displacement) over a distance of 60 nautical miles (NM), it will result in 1 NM off course.

Is VFR flight following required?

If you are flying out of a Class C or Class D airport, for a VFR flight following request, you can usually request flight following with the local ground control. Because flight following is voluntary, if the airspace is extremely busy, controllers may tell you they are unable to provide.