Why are there no new supersonic planes?

Why are there no new supersonic planes? The valid reasons are concerns over sonic boom, fuel economy, and market demand – with the last one being the primary driver. If there are not enough customers buying the planes, companies won't be able to recover their R&D costs or make a profit. That is reasonable.

How much did it cost to fly Concorde from London to New York?

Such speed didn't come cheap, though: A transatlantic flight required the high-maintenance aircraft to gulp jet fuel at the rate of one ton per seat, and the average round-trip price was $12,000.

How much did a Concorde ticket cost?

Such speed didn't come cheap, though: A transatlantic flight required the high-maintenance aircraft to gulp jet fuel at the rate of one ton per seat, and the average round-trip price was $12,000.

How fast was the Concorde vs 747?

The aircraft quickly proved itself unquestionably as it reached speeds of up to 1,354 mph. To put that into context, that is around 800 mph faster than a Boeing 747 and over 350 mph faster than the earth spins on its axis!

How fast could Concorde fly from London to New York?

About Concorde With a take-off speed of 220 knots (250mph) and a cruising speed of 1350mph – more than twice the speed of sound - a typical London to New York crossing would take a little less than three and a half hours, as opposed to about eight hours for a subsonic flight.

Will boom supersonic ever fly?

Provided all goes well with XB-1 testing, Boom aims to roll out the Overture craft in 2026, with the first flight of the aircraft planned for no sooner than 2027. Overture will be a successor to the last commercial supersonic aircraft, the Concorde, which operated between 1969 and 2003.

What is the fastest plane in the world?

The North American X-15 may be the fastest plane in the world, with speeds at 4,520 mph and Mach 5.93. It's an experimental aircraft used and powered by NASA and USAF.